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Rest and Json

The Syncer allows you to directly import Json Files or Simple Rest APIs, which return plain Json and don't have special Authentication.

Rest API

Everything is configured using an Account. The Following Options are available:

Option Description
auth_type Empty if you want a Header based auth, else Basic or Digest
request_headers Send Headers like for Auth or Content Type
data_key Empty or key where the Data will be found.
hostname_field In which field can the Hostname be found
rewrite_hostname Jinja if you want to rewrite the hostname


Like for Rest API, everthing is configured in an Account. Here, you just need to set the Path to the File. Fields like hostname_field are described above in the description of Rest API

When Using the data_key

The data_key can be confusing. Here two examples to see what it's for.

In this Example, data_key needs to be 'results'

{'results': [{data},{data}]}

In this case, the data key needs to be empty
