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Syncer API

For your Plugins, please only import from syncerapi.v1 Otherwise, we can't guarantee that updates won't break something in your scripts.



from syncerapi.v1 import XXX
Function Description
Host The Central Host Object
get_account Get the Account Config by Name (Automated with Plugin Base Class)
register_cronjob Register a Function to Appear as Cronjob
cc (Color Codes) Use to Print with nice Colors
render_jinja Render given String with Jinja


from syncerapi.v1.core import XXX
Function Description
logger Add Custom Log Events
app Flask App Object
app_config Access to the Global Config
cli Register CLI Params
Plugin Base Class for your Plugins (see below)


from syncerapi.v1.inventory import XXX
- run_invenentory

Host Object API

The Host Object, you can use inside your Import and Export Plugins. It's the reference to the the list of your Hosts, or to update a Single one (Host.get_host(name)) It supports the following Methods:

Method Description
get_host(hostname) Get the Host Object to add Attributes
get_export_hosts() Return only Hosts, no Objects for e.g. Loop
rewrite_hostname(old_name, template, attribute) Shortcut to render_jinja
replace_label(key, value) Replace given Label with new Value
update_host(labels) Replace all Labels of host.
update_inventory(key, inventory) Update hosts inventory
get_inventory() Get hosts Inventory
add_log(entry) Add Log Entry to Host
set_account(config) Set import Account, alsways use to check
if allowed to save
save() Save Changes you made on the object

Plugin Base Class

The Plugin() is the Base class for your Plugin. If you're using it, you can use some automatic benefits like logging and a central Request Class which can be debugged with the normal Syncer Switches.

class YourPlugin(Plugin):
    name = "Your Plugins Name (for log)"
    source = "Key used in log"

    def __init__(self, account):
        # Your Stuff
If you have your own _init_() just make sure to call super() in order that the e.g. the config is processed.

Default Methods and Variables:

Function/ Method Description
name (string) The Name of the Plugin Actions (for log)
source (string) Type of Action, usefull to filter log
config (dict) The Accounts configuration
log_details (list(tuple)) Append Tuples (name, details) which will later
appear in the log view which you have in the GUI
inner_request(method, url, data, headers) Use for all HTTP Requests.
Has logging, makes your Plugin support save_requests and

Log Details

When calling self.log_details.append(("Count", 12 )) you can add a metric named Count with the Value 12 to the Log entry which is generated when you run your plugin. You can use any Name you want, you can also log every type of Object which can casted to string. But If one of your Names contains "error", the whole Log Entry is marked as error entry. This can then show UP in your Monitoring.