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Ansible Integration

The CMDB Syncer contains Ansible Endpoints and a set of Ansible Playbooks. As of now, you can basically controll all of your own playbooks with rule based variables from the syncer, or use the providedd ones for Update and Register of Checkmk Agents (Linux/ Windows) or the Managementt and Installation of Checkmk Sites on your Servers.

Config Tricks

If you want to refer to Passwords in your Syncer Configuration, you can use an Integrated Marco called ACCOUNT who connects you to every Field which you can set in the Account config. The Syntax is MACRONAME:ACCOUNTNAME:FIELDNAME.

Therefore , to get the Password of account cmk, it would look like:



Inside the Ansible subfolder, you will find a set of inventory plugins for Ansible. These are for use with the ansible-playbook command, behind the -i parameter.

As of now, these are:

File Description
inventory General Inventory source for local installation
docker_inventory Inventory source when running in docker
rest_inventory Example for Inventory Source using the Rest API of Syncer
cmk_server_inventory Special source for use with the cmk_server_mngm.yml playbook
cmk_server_docker_inventory Like above

Also you find two playbooks and two roles:

File Description
cmk_agent_mngmt.yml The complete Managment of the Agent Installations of Checkmk
cmk_server_mngmnt.yml The Update and Installation of Checkmk Sites and Versions.

From here you can copy and adapt these scripts to your need (when so, prefix with local_) or just use the provided ones.

Use the Ansible Playbooks directly inside Syncer

If you not have an Ansible installation or the Ansible Knowledge, you can just run the included stuff from inside the Syncers Folder. Just make sure to install the additional requirements at the first time: pip install -r ./ansible/requirements.txt

After that, the Workfloww is:

  • Change into the CMDB Syncer Directory
  • Load his environment (source ENV/bin/activate)
  • Change to the ansible subdir: cd ./ansible
  • You are Ready

Remote Installation

If you want to use the Syncers script, but from adifferentt server and to connectt via Rest API, these are the Steps:

  • Checkout the Repo
  • Copy the Inventory File: cp rest_inventory local_rest_inventory
  • Edit the File and set the URL (beware of Proxy) to the Syncer Installation, and set a Secret:
  • The Secret is set up in the Account:

  • You are Ready

Run Ansible

You can run Ansible now with the wanted Play books. I would recommend to always check with the debug_host feature of the Ansible Module, which Variables are set. From here one, it's normal ansible:

ansible-playbook -i INVENTORY_SOURCE --limit somehost cmk_agent_mngmt.yml